Experience Healing Through H Acupuncture
Grand Opening for Clinic Relocation
Acupuncture treatment - $ 50
Grand Opening for Clinic Relocation
Acupuncture treatment - $ 50
한국 동국한의과대학 졸업후 2003년부터
진료활동을 했습니다.
Jennie Han holds an impressive array of qualifications, including: being a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) in the state of California, a Doctor of Korean Medicine (KMD), and a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Pediatrics. Jennie's dedication to the field of oriental medicine continued to flourish as she served as an oriental medicine doctor for 17 years. Her journey then led her to the United States, where she successfully passed the acupuncturist exam through South Baylo University. Now she is helping patients find solutions to their long-standing health concerns in Orange County.
Growth Enhancement Therapy
어린이 성장치료
아이의 키성장은 2차 성장시기(남아:16.5/여아 14.5세)에 급격한 성장후, 성장판이 닫히면서 키성장이 더딘 속도로 진행될 수 있습니다. 성장판 활성촉진침, 아큐마사지치료, 면역력 강화 한약, 키크기 운동요법으로 성장판을 활성화시켜 건강한 성장을 최대로 돕는 맞춤형 성장치료를 제공합니다.
Where does your child’s height currently fall on the growth chart?After the rapid growth during the second growth spurt (Boys: around 16.5 years, Girls: around 14.5 years), height growth may slow down as the growth plates close.We offer personalized growth treatments to maximize healthy development by activating the growth plates through growth plate activation acupuncture, acu-massage therapy, immune-boosting herbal medicine, and height-enhancing exercises.
비만, 피부질환, 고혈압, 고지혈증, 당뇨 질환 치료의 첫 걸음인 디톡스 요법은 몸속의 만성 염증 제거효과와 잘못된 생활습관을 바꿀수 있는 강력한 치료방법입니다. Detox therapy is designed to eliminate toxins and excess nutrients from the body. During the detox treatment period, the body's organs that are often overworked, such as the liver and kidneys, get an opportunity to recover. Therefore, detox therapy is considered the initial step in the treatment of individuals with metabolic disorders like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia, joint pain, autoimmune diseases, skin conditions, and skin beauty treatments. This combined approach helps reset your body by improving your lifestyle habits.
단순히 체지방감소뿐만 아니라 몸의 염증, 통증개선을 위해서 다이어트는 꼭 필요합니다. 과도한 식욕을 쉽게 조절하고 생활습관 개선으로 목표를 이루실수 있게 도와드리겠습니다. If you constantly feel heavy, tired, experience discomfort in your knees and back, increased irritability, and/or heightened stress due to weight gain and swelling, our obesity treatment solution may be the answer you're looking for. Obesity treatment aims not only to reduce physical size, but also to alleviate physical pain and associated health issues. We are here to be your supportive partner in achieving a healthy body. With over 17 years of experience in Korea during which we have helped more than 1,000 patients with obesity, we possess the data and knowledge to guide you on your weight loss journey effectively.
알러지 비염을 치료하지 않으면 부비동염, 중이염, 천식등의 질환으로 이어질수 있고 두통, 수면장애, 집중력 저하가 발생할 수 있습니다. 이는 곧 성장에도 방해가 되는 요인이 됩니다.주1-2회 침치료로 기를 순환, 소통시켜 몸의 기운을 잡아주고 한약으로 몸의 염증반응을 줄이고 면역력을 증가시킵니다. Allergic rhinitis can lead to conditions such as sinusitis, asthma. Symptoms of rhinitis such as headaches, sleep disorders, and decreased concentration can occur.To improve chronic rhinitis, it's necessary to restore the sensitized immune system.Acupuncture treatment 1-2 times a week promotes circulation and enhances the body's energy flow through communication. Herbal medicine reduces inflammation and boosts immunity.
정안침과 다륜침의 결합치료로 피부탄력과 주름 개선, 맑아지는 피부톤을 경험하실수 있습니다. Are you worried about your skin's elasticity, enlarged pores, or the appearance of wrinkles on your face? Our solution addresses these concerns by regenerating atrophied collagen, elastin, and blood vessels while activating the skin's innate regenerative capabilities. We achieve this by reaching the dermal layer of the skin using a specially designed micro-multi-ringed needle.You can notice improvements in skin tone, reduced pore size, diminished wrinkles, and increased elasticity after 3-5 sessions.
근골격계의 치료에 있어 침, 뜸(직구), 부항의 전통적인 치료방법과 더불어 심부근육치료 방법으로 새로운 치료를 경험하실수 있습니다. (두통, 목,어깨 통증, 허리, 무릎 통증 / 자동차 사고) 1.Headaches and Migraines 2.Fibromyalgia 3.Neck and Back Pain, including Herniated Discs 4.Shoulder Pain (Rotator Cuff Injuries, Frozen Shoulder, Impingement Syndrome) 5.Knee Pain 6.Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis 7.Sports Injuries (Arthritis, Bursitis, Joint Sprains) 8.Car Accident Injuries Our goal is to provide you relief from your pain, help you recover from injuries, and improve your overall musculoskeletal health. Whether you're dealing with chronic conditions or acute injuries, we offer personalized treatment plans to address your specific needs and get you back to a pain-free, active lifestyle. Don't let pain or discomfort limit your daily activities—let us help you on your path to recovery and wellness. Acupuncture is a time-tested, safe, and effective method of pain relief that doesn't involve the use of drugs. One of its notable advantages is that it comes with minimal to no side effects.
자궁은 씨앗이 자라는 토양에 비유할 수 있습니다. 착상의 성공률을 높이기 위해서 어혈을 제거하고 기혈순환을 돕는 한방치료를 병행하는 것이 좋습니다.Artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization (IVF) are methods that stimulate multiple ovaries and implant fertilized eggs into the uterus through external fertilization. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can contribute to improving a woman's fertility by addressing factors such as the quality, quantity, balance, and flow of energy and blood in the body. If you are planning an IVF procedure, it is advised to start preparing about three months in advance. We look forward to assisting you on the path to welcoming your child with joy and smiles.
피부질환치료는 체질에 따라 한약처방과 주1회 내원 침치료로 몸 내부 장기상태를 개선시킴으로 피부를 회복시키는 치료를 하게 됩니다.
In cases where individuals with skin conditions scratch their skin due to itching, this continuous damage to the skin can lead to increased stress and inflammation, creating a vicious cycle. Therefore, the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis, atopy, and eczema includes taking herbal medicine to reduce itching and support skin regeneration, acupuncture treatments to enhance blood circulation, and dietary adjustments to avoid foods that trigger inflammation. We aim to provide effective and holistic treatment that not only alleviates symptoms but also works to prevent their recurrence.
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Acupuncture treatment - $ 50
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